L’agence du doute° is a collective founded by Brice Domingues, Jérôme Dupeyrat and Catherine Guiral. One of its modes of transmission is a display device called a Crystal Maze, which combines the forms and principles of the conference, the montage, the screening, the exhibition and the edition.
The agence thus pratices a research dedicated to books, edition and everything that possibly connects to it through diverse reflections be it literature, graphic design or cinema.
They participate or have participated to the Agence du doute:
- Phil Baber
- Alexandru Balgiu
- Paul Bardet
- Pierre Boggio
- Xavier Bouyssou
- David Cluzeau
- Marcelline Delbecq
- Thierry Chancogne
- Vincent Fortin
- Jérôme Faucheux
- Marianna Ladreyt
- Vincent Lalanne
- Fabrice Mabime
- Hélène Meisel
- Chloé Munich
- Laurent Sfar
- …
The agence is a replica,
a seismic refraction of the «Bureau du doute» (2008-2012), a seminar and workshop dedicated to design, editorial design and hors-champ graphic design, that was initiated by Alexandra Midal at the Institut supérieur des arts de Toulouse.
It was pursued by
Catherine Guiral, Jérôme Dupeyrat,
Laurent Sfar and
Brice Domingues until 2012.
Graphic design : officeabc
Programmation : Olivier Sazos
Unless stated otherwise, all images featured on this site document the conferences, filmic performances, publications, and installations by the Agence du doute.
Copyright © 2013 Agence du doute, all rights reserved.
Reproduction, diffusion and modification are strictly prohibited without prior written permission by the Agence du doute.